Field Tested | Unbiased | Gear Reviews
Welcome to Backwoods Pursuit, where we strive to bring you hard core, unbiased outdoor gear reviews to give you the information and field-tested knowledge about the gear you are considering to help you make informed purchasing decision and enjoy your time in the backwoods. Follow our blog for extra outdoor gear tips, advice, and things we’ve learned through the years.
We have no sponsors, we personally use and test the gear we review, and don’t publish reviews until we have had a significant amount of time and experience with the product. We aren’t afraid to give you our honest opinion of the product based on our own personal experience with it in the field. We’ll tell you what we liked and didn’t like about the product, but also recognize that each and every person may be looking for something different when it comes to gear. Our opinion and assessment certainly isn’t the only one out there, but we aim to give you the reliable information you need to make the best gear decisions possible. We certainly don’t always get it right, but that’s the bar we set for ourselves.
We are a group of regular folks who love the outdoors. While each of us on the team brings different ares of expertise, we all share a love for the outdoors and believe that being more prepared, more efficient, and knowing the gear we take into the field will help make our time in the field more enjoyable. We do this because we all need to know if the gear we are taking in the backcountry will perform when it counts the most, and long term field testing is hands down the best way to accomplish this.
Recent Gear Reviews
4P Backcountry Lite Mesa Tipi Tent Review | Best Value Tipi Tent?
Incredible Value – Athlon Helos BTR Gen 2 Scope Review
3032 Zamberlan ULL GTX Review | Best EXTREME Hunting Boots?
DETAILED Kryptek Hunting Gear Review | 17 Piece Rundown
4 Stable Sticks Shooting Sticks Review | Best Of Both Worlds?
24 oz Crispi Women’s Hunting Boots | Authentic Summit II GTX Review
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